Text Crawler Screenshots

Here is a screenshot of the Text Crawler text configuration menu.

You can specify a text string to be displayed, or have the clock time displayed instead. The preview matches the scale that will be used when the screensaver is actually running in full-screen mode (so what you see is what you get :) ) If you don't check the box for random color selection, a default color is used (computer geek green.) A control to allow users to pick a color they prefer is planned for a future version.

Text config menu screenshot

Here is a screenshot of the Text Crawler effects configuration menu.

The screensaver will pick an effect randomly from among the list. A new effect is picked based on the time specified by the "Effect Cycle Speed" slider. When a new effect is picked, the old one first fades out, then the new one fades in; this makes for smoother transitions.

Effects config menu screenshot

Note: I haven't included a screenshot of the saver running in full-screen mode, because you can see what it does in the preview monitor here - no real difference in detail would be apparent in the full-screen version.

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